Issue Vol. 1 (1990) No. 1



  • Martti Koskenniemi,
    The Politics of International Law (free fulltext)
  • Rein A. Mullerson,
    Human Rights and the Individual as Subject of International Law: A Soviet View (free fulltext)
  • Benedetto Conforti, Angelo Labella,
    Invalidity and Termination of Treaties: The Role of National Courts (free fulltext)
  • Bernhard Graefrath,
    Universal Criminal Jurisdiction and an International Criminal Court (free fulltext)

Symposium : The European Community as an International Actor

  • Meinhard Hilf,
    The Single European Act and 1992: Legal Implications for Third Countries (free fulltext)
  • Ivo Van Bael,
    EEC Anti-Dumping Enforcement: An Overview of Current Problems (free fulltext)
  • Roland Bieber,
    Democratic Control of European Foreign Policy (free fulltext)
  • Peter Bruckner,
    The European Community and the United Nations (free fulltext)

The European Tradition in International Law : Georges Scelle

  • Hubert Thierry,
    The Thought of Georges Scelle (free fulltext)
  • Antonio Cassese,
    Remarks on Scelle's Theory of "Role Splitting" (dedoublement fonctionnet) in International Law (free fulltext)
  • Luigi Condorelli,
    Scholie sur I'idiome scellien des manuels francophones de droit international public (free fulltext)
  • René-Jean Dupuy,
    Images de Georges Scelle (free fulltext)
  • Antonio Tanca,
    Georges Scelle (1878 - 1961) Biographical note with bibliography (free fulltext)


  • Günther Handl,
    International Efforts to Protect the Global Atmosphere: A Case of Too Little, Too Late? (free fulltext)
  • Francesco Francioni,
    Resource Sharing in Antarctica: For Whose Benefit? (free fulltext)
  • Antonio Tanca,
    Human Rights, Terrorism and Police Custody: The Brogan Case (free fulltext)
  • Paul Tavernier,
    Le caractere obligatoire de la resolution 598 (1987) du conseil de securite relative a la guerre du golfe (free fulltext)
  • Theo Öhlinger,
    Austria and Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (free fulltext)
  • Pierre-Henri Imbert,
    La reforme de la procedure devant les organes de controle de la Convention europeenne des Droits de l'Homme: quelques observations prospectives (free fulltext)

Forum : The Algiers Declaration on Palestine

  • Francis A. Boyle,
    The Creation of the State of Palestine (free fulltext)
  • James Crawford,
    The Creation of the State of Palestine: Too Much Too Soon? (free fulltext)

Forum : The GDR Declaration on the UN Convention against Torture

  • Massimo Coccia,
    A Controversial Declaration on the U.N. Convention Against Torture (free fulltext)
  • Manfred Mohr,
    The German Democratic Republic's Declaration on the Anti-Torture Convention and its Consequences: an Attempt at Evaluation (free fulltext)

The International Practice of the European Communities Current Survey (July 1987-July 1989)

  • Edwin Vermulst,
    Commercial Defense Actions and Other International Trade Developments in the European Communities: 1 July 1988 - 30 June 1989 (free fulltext)
  • Christoph Vedder,
    A Survey of Principal Decisions of the European Court of Justice Pertaining to International Law (free fulltext)
  • Renaud Dehousse,
    European Political Cooperation 1 July 1987 - 31 December 1988 (free fulltext)